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Tesla Model S (2012)

INICIO FOROS NOVEDADES Vehículos presentados Tesla Model S (2012)

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  • Avatar de olo

      Muy bonito, pero me quedo con el Karma sin dudarlo.

      Avatar de juaniemede

        Es simplemente preciosisimo.

        Avatar de xavimk3

          eso de la consola es un pantallote tactil? y el cuadro de mandos tambien no? joder!

          Avatar de nordes77

            OMG! Precioso.

            Avatar de PAGE7

              al fin aire nuevo y fresco en el mundo del automovil

              Avatar de artinata

                [url url=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3649/3387094335_14fc4c484b_o.jpg]va con windows como está mandao.[/url]

                estoy bastante bastante a favor, en teoría se presenta como dios manda en unas horas.

                Avatar de Millia

                  Pero que preciosidad, como no la caguen con el frontal…

                  Avatar de Jalmenaraster

                    Es precioso. Se da un aire al XF en la trasera pero es precioso. A ver en qué queda el frontal.

                    Avatar de juaniemede

                      [quote quote=”BlackSeries”]
                      Es precioso. Se da un aire al XF en la trasera pero es precioso. A ver en qué queda el frontal.

                      +1!!!! pensé lo mismo! pero es tan lindo que no importa

                      Avatar de BLACK_SLR

                          Bueno no esta tan mal… ME gusta…

                          Tesla Model S: glorious pictures, all the details on this $50,000 electric car

                        It’s been a long and difficult road, but Tesla Motors has made it to unveiling No. 2. After a lot of hype and delivery of 250 Tesla Roadsters, the company’s Model S was unveiled today in Hawthorne, California. Tesla was incredibly careful about not leaking a lot of information before today – designing the Model S at a high-security rocket facility helped with that, but we still got a peek a few hours ago – and now that it’s here, we love what we see. As for new information on the Tesla For The Rest Of Us (sort of), follow the jump for all the details and check out the gallery of high res photos below.

                        We have just listened to the panjandrum Elon Musk and the car’s designer speak about the new Tesla S sedan, and these are the things to know about the first mass-produced highway-capable electric car: production will ramp up to 20,000 units annually by the end of the first year of production; after the $7,500 tax break, the Model S will start at just under $50,000 – $49,900 to be exact; and 440-volt charging will be available. That base price is for the 160-mile range pack; a 230-mile range pack and a 300-mile range pack will also be available.

                        Some other fast facts:

                        The car fits seven people and their luggage: five adults and two children in rear-facing seats under the hatch inside, with luggage in the boot up front. If not people, it can fit a mountain bike with its wheels still on, a surfboard and a 50-inch television at the same time. The dashboard screens were installed to rid the interior of buttons. The 17-inch main display is fully 3G and Internet capable. The 300-mile range is possible (vs the Roadster’s 244-mile range) because the S has 8,000 battery cells vs. 6,000 in the Roadster, the batteries have been improved in mass and volumetric performance, and there is more advanced cell chemistry in each cell, and the S has a cd of about .27 vs. the Roadster’s drag coefficient of .35. On a 220V outlet, the car can be recharged in 4 hours. Option packages are being decided, with the only initial option being the battery pack. Customers will also be able to buy the 160-mile pack and rent the long range pack for a trip. They are finalizing the warranty, and expect it to be 3-4 years for the car and 7-10 years for the battery pack. They expect replacement battery packs to come in at “well under $500” according to Elon. The quickness: the standard S will get to 60 in 5.5 to 6.0 seconds. A coming sport version will get to 60 in “well under five seconds,” Musk says. The car will get a single-speed transmission. The body panels and chassis will be primarily aluminum, with a total weight of just over 4,000 pounds, about 1,200 pounds of that being battery mass. For infrastructure, Tesla is working with a government-affiliated partner to set up battery changing stations at various locations. They will be able to change the battery in 5-8 minutes, “quicker than filling up your car with gas.”


                        Avatar de Millia

                          [img width=580 height=385]http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autobloggreen.com/media/2009/03/teslamodelslive_04_opt.jpg

                          [url url=http://www.autoblog.com/2009/03/26/tesla-model-s-50-000-ev-sedan-seats-seven-300-mile-range-0-6/]http://www.autoblog.com/2009/03/26/tesla-model-s-50-000-ev-sedan-seats-seven-300-mile-range-0-6/[/url]

                          Avatar de nordes77
                            Avatar de Jalmenaraster

                              A mí me encanta. No tiene tanta pinta de deportivo como el Karma, pero es tan bonito como aquel.

                              Avatar de BLACK_SLR

                                  Intreresante eso de que sienta a 7 personas… 5 adultos y 2 niños… Me encanta el auto, una bellza, mejor de lo que le esperaba… El Karma es mi preferido pero este esta a la altura…

                                Avatar de Millia

                                  Que preciosidad, para mi gusto mucho mejor que el Karma.

                                  Avatar de gti

                                    muy muy bonito con ese aroma a jaguar……..

                                    Avatar de nautiliux

                                      ¿Esto es una Mezcla de Maserati, Jaguar, Volvo y Opel?

                                      Avatar de artinata

                                        mucho, mucho mejor que el karma a nivel de superficies / detallado. quizá en cuanto en proporciones no sea tan atractivo.

                                        [quote]The car fits seven people and their luggage: five adults and two children in rear-facing seats under the hatch inside, with luggage in the boot up front. If not people, it can fit a mountain bike with its wheels still on, a surfboard and a 50-inch television at the same time.[/quote]

                                        esto me ha dejado KO. cochazo.

                                        Avatar de xavimk3

                                          – 3 versiones, según autonomía: la de 160 millas, 244 (como el Roadster) y 300 millas.
                                          – en todo caso se podrá “alquilar” el pack de 300 millas para un viaje.
                                          – 7 plazas, como ya se ha dicho. Las 2 últimas orientadas contra el sentido de marcha, al estilo Laguna I familiar.
                                          – a 220v se carga en 4 horas.
                                          – empezará la producción en el tercer cuatrimestre de 2011.

                                          Avatar de Fiorano

                                            [quote quote=”nautiliux”]
                                            ¿Esto es una Mezcla de Maserati, Jaguar, Volvo y Opel?

                                            Tiene algunos detalles de Maserati y gran parecido al Jaguar XF en la zaga como han señalado pero es uno de los modelos más bonitos que he visto en los últimos tiempos.

                                            Lo de la pantalla de 50 pulgadas será cosa del concept. Me extrañaría que pasara a la serie. Cómo lo piensan hacer? Se baja papi, la cuelga de unos anclajes de los sillones o del techo (deben ser bastante potentes con techo de cristal) y luego se descuelga de nuevo?

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