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BMW iX (2020)

INICIO FOROS NOVEDADES Vehículos presentados BMW iX (2020)

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      2020 BMW i6/iNEXT (SUV)

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        BMW da luz verde al i6 después del relativo éxito en el mercado del i3 y de las buenas críticas del BMW i8 que ha cautivado a amantes del automóvil y entusiastas de la tecnología a partes iguales. El nuevo eléctrico de la compañía, que llegará en algún momento de 2020 para competir en el segmento de los crossover, con un rango de 500 kilómetros, aunque BMW no ha decidido si va a hacer el i6 un vehículo eléctrico de batería, de pila de combustible, o híbrido.

        Según CARS, el plan de la compañía es utilizar baterías de polímero de litio, con la idea de que la tecnología ya ha madurado lo suficiente como para hacer que las baterías de 500kWh sean lo suficientemente baratas como para producirlas en masa, y utilizarlas en su próximo modelo enfocado a un público mucho más amplio que el de i8.

        No obstante, la compañía quiere partir del mismo concepto de la serie i en el que la ligereza del vehículo sea la mayor ventaja competitiva, un modelo del que la compañía quiere vender más de 60.000 unidades al año cuando se lance de en 2020.

        A pesar de que la competencia ahora es limitada, para 2020 BMW tendrá que jugar en una liga totalmente diferente que la del panorama actual, con dos de sus competidores, Audi y Mercedes, desarrollando también electricos, y con Ford y sus planes de convertir gran parte de su portfolio en eléctricos para esas fechas.

        Vía : http://hipertextual.com/2016/01/bmw-i6

        Avatar de A.P.M.
          Avatar de marea

            Para lo que han dejado el 6 BMW, que pena.

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              [quote quote=marea post_id=501813 time=1549383174 user_id=2188]
              Para lo que han dejado el 6 BMW, que pena.

              Bueno, uso el hilo del i6, no quiere decir que se vaya a llamar asi 😀
              Aprovechamiento de hilos que se llama jajaja

              Avatar de DTM995

                camuflado me gusta…después habrá que verlo.

                Avatar de A.P.M.

                  La nota de prensa, de momento en inglés
                  BMW iNEXT undergoes winter trial tests: advancing the future of driving pleasure at the polar circle.
                  New technology flagship of the BMW Group completes the first full vehicle tests for drive, chassis and suspension groups under extreme conditions in the Arjeplog winter testing centre.

                  Munich. The future of driving pleasure is approaching fast and the BMW iNEXT takes the next hurdle of its path to serial production maturity. The winter test centre of the BMW Group in Arjeplog, Sweden is the setting for the current complete vehicle tests, which serve to optimise, examine and harmonise all drive, chassis and suspension components under extreme climate and road conditions. With its purely electric drive, the BMW iNEXT meets individual mobility needs in an especially sustainable manner. It also combines the latest developments from the areas of automated driving and intelligent connectivity offering passengers completely new ways of enjoying their ride.

                  The series production version of the BMW iNEXT will be manufactured in the BMW Plant in Dingolfing from 2021. The new technology flagship of the BMW Group integrates the key future topics of automated driving, connectivity, electrification and services (ACES) in the automobile as defined in the NUMBER ONE > NEXT company strategy. Its innovative technology focusses on people’s needs and requirements. The BMW iNEXT, in the shape of a modern Sports Activity Vehicle (SAV) embodies the pioneering interpretation of brand typical driving pleasure – with purely electric drive, intelligent all-wheel-drive system and model-specific suspension technology. These components are currently being winter-tested together under real-world conditions at the polar circle for the first time. This intensive series of tests, which is equivalent to those used for conventionally powered models, illustrates the high degree of maturity of the purely electric drive technology developed by the BMW Group, which makes the BMW iNEXT the symbol for the move into a new era of driving pleasure.

                  The test drives with the camouflaged BMW iNEXT are being conducted on snow-covered roads and ice-covered lakes, where low temperatures and minimal road friction dominate everyday testing. The cold poses a challenge, above all, for the electric motor, the high-voltage battery and the cooling system of the BMW iNEXT. The testing engineers also attach particular importance to the eDrive energy management system. They analyse the way in which the extreme sub-zero temperatures affect how the energy storage system recharges, how electricity is transferred to the electric motor, how the electrical system is supplied with energy and how the heating and air condition systems respond. The power transmission and suspension regulation systems are also tested far beyond what is standard in day-to-day traffic conditions. On closed-off, ice-covered surfaces electronic regulation can already be provoked at low driving speeds. For the engineers this means that they can, for example, analyse the interaction of the all-wheel-drive system, which was especially developed for the electric drive, and DSC (Dynamic Stability Control). They can then continuously optimise the processes under exactly reproducible conditions.

                  The steering and braking system are also fine-tuned under these conditions. Just like the deceleration performance of the brakes, the energy recuperation when coasting must be precisely adapted to each driving situation. The tracks around Arjeplog also provide the ideal testing ground for these trials. The BMW iNEXT is confronted with the entire range of dynamic driving challenges when winter-testing on gravel tracks, dry asphalt and extremely slippery polished ice surfaces.

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                      Parece que se llamará iX8!

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                              Por algún motivo tengo ganas de verlo, y eso que tiene pinta de castor pero creo que me va a gustar, un diseño robusto y serio.

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                                  Avatar de The_Osco

                                    Nuevas espías del exterior y del interior

                                    Es grande!

                                    Fuente: https://www.motor.es/noticias/bmw-inext-prototipo-fotos-espia-2021-201959381.html

                                    Avatar de DTM995

                                      Se ve enorme. Por cierto no me había fijado que los tiradores de la puerta parece que los lleva retráctiles.

                                      Avatar de DTM995
                                        Avatar de The_Osco

                                          Así es lo que veo en las espías

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