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Noticias Alianza Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi

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      Es que a ese precio y habiendo el Leaf al mismo, quién se compra un coche como el iOn…

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        Yo lo he visto varias veces y dan ganas de comprárselo. Lo que es difícil de juntar son las ganas y el dinero.

        Avatar de MACAUDI

          Normal quien se va a gastar 40000€ por una cosa pequeña y fea, y mas teniendo el leaf siendo mas grande

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            [size size=150]Nissan fabricará el «London Taxi» en España[/size]

            El fabricante japonés Nissan ha propuesto un «London Taxi» o «black cab» basado en la furgoneta NV200, similar al aprobado por la ciudad de Nueva York para sustituir sus actuales «yellow cab», que será fabricado en la factoría de Barcelona.

            El NV200 London Taxi será homologado a finales de este año, apoyado, asegura Nissan, por el alcalde de Londres, Boris Johnson, la asociación de taxistas (London Taxi Drivers Association) y las asociaciones de minusválidos.

            Esta propuesta de Nissan, que es un 50% más eficiente que los taxis actuales y cumple con las regulaciones Tfl, incluida la de un diámetro de giro de 7,6 metros, tendrá una versión eléctrica, e-NV200 London Taxi, que será probada en 2013.

            Nissan ya cuenta con una presencia destacada en la historia de los taxis londinenses, ya que su motor 2.7 litros TD27 diesel fue elegido para propulsar al histórico LTI FX4 Fairway «black cab», que también se utilizó en el sucesor del Fairway, el TX1.

            La furgoneta NV200 de serie, producida en España, es un modelo que ha obtenido galardón «International Van Of The Year». Lanzada a finales de 2009, el modelo, también fabricado en Japón, se vende en 40 países y ya se han comercializado más de 100.000 unidades en todo el mundo.

            En el caso hipotético de que todos los taxis de Londres fueran sustituidos por el nuevo NV200 London Taxi, la ciudad ahorraría 37.970 toneladas métricas de CO2 anuales -el equivalente a plantar 4.050 hectáreas de árboles cada 12 meses.

            Via http://www.abc.es/20120807/economia/abci-nissan-taxi-londres-201208071151.html

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              [size size=150]El ministro de industria francés anuncia cuatro modelos de gama alta para Renault[/size]

              Sí, a nosotros también se nos ha hecho raro escribir el título que lees en esta noticia. ¿Un ministro anunciando los lanzamientos de un fabricante presuntamente independiente? Vale, Renault tiene algo de fábrica estatal, pero de ahí a que sea el ministro francés de industria, Arnaud Montebourg, el que anuncie los planes de producto de la casa del rombo, va un cacho largo, ¿verdad?

              Sea como fuere, quedémonos con el mensaje, y no con el mensajero: Renault tendrá hasta cuatro modelos «de alta gama». Dentro de estos planes, la verdad es que se nos complica hacer predicciones. Sabemos de las intenciones de crear Initiale Paris como submarca para competir con Audi «algo que podría llevar treinta años de trabajo», según Carlos Tavares, el jefe de Renault.

              Initiale Paris arrancará, al parecer, como la gama DS de Citroën, es decir, creando variantes derivadas de modelos más generalistas, con un toque más chic, para evolucionar poco a poco y contar con sus propios modelos. Todo arrancará con una versión lujosa del Clio, «al estilo Baccara». El primer modelo único debería ser un sedán de representación, rival de los Audi A6 y compañía. Alpine estaría contenida dentro de esta estrategia de cuatro nuevos modelos de gama alta.

              Entendemos que será en el Salón de París donde Tavares, Ghosn y compañía darán a conocer sus intenciones.

              Via http://es.autoblog.com/2012/08/27/el-ministro-de-industria-frances-anuncia-cuatro-modelos-de-gama/

              Avatar de A.P.M.

                Habrá que mirar cuales son, porque 4 de golpe se me antojan muchos jejejeje

                – Renault «alto de gama»
                – ¿R5?
                – ¿Espace?
                – ¿SUV?

                a ver que dicen dentro de poco o en el salón de Paris, si es que dicen algo

                Avatar de A.P.M.

                  [size size=140]La alianza podria agrandarse[/size]

                  La verdad es que no es una noticia pura, sino mas bien podria ser un rumor con fundamento, pero lo pongo por aqui

                  A modo de resumen dice lo que todos sabemos:
                  – Pese a usar elementos comunes (pocos) actuan cada uno a su manera
                  – Nissan está ayudando a Renault a capear el temporal

                  No se sabe si habria de nuevo intercambio accionarial, pero si habria mayor sinergia, compartiendo mas elementos (lo pongo de forma general) que en la actualidad. Y esto es lo que deberian haber hecho desde el principio, que para eso se asociaron la verdad. Es de tontos asociarse para compartir cosas comunes y solo compartir unas pocas cosas…

                  Tambien hablan de que Goshn termina contrato con Nissan en 2013 y con Renault en 2014, y parece que no hay nada que indique que seguirá en el cargo mas tiempo


                  Avatar de A.P.M.

                    [size size=140]INFINITI desarrolla una nueva dirección «fly by wire»[/size]
                    ES una dirección electrica que no tiene contacto real con la dirección. Estará ayudada por una camara para hacer un mejor control de los movimientos y el mantenimiento de la linea
                    Será la primera marca en implantar esta tecnologia en los coches de calle (ya se ha visto en concepts de otras marcas). El primero parece ser que lo veremos el año que viene

                    [youtube youtube=425,350]qoSodr3J-WI[/youtube]

                    nota de prensa, en inglés
                    YOKOHAMA, Japan (October 17, 2012) – Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. today unveiled the world’s first steering technology that allows independent control of a vehicle’s tire angle and steering inputs. This next-generation steering technology was developed by Nissan.

                    A conventional steering system directs tire movements by transmitting steering inputs to the tires via a mechanical link. Nissan’s next-generation steering technology reads the driver’s intentions from steering inputs and controls the vehicle’s tire movements via electronic signals. This transmits the driver’s intentions to the wheels even faster than a mechanical system and increases the direct driving performance feel by quickly and intelligently communicating road surface feedback to the driver.

                    The system controls and insulates the vehicle from unnecessary road-generated disturbances to deliver only the necessary performance feel to the driver. For example, even on a road surface with minor ridges or furrows, the driver no longer has to grip the steering wheel tightly and make detailed adjustments, so traveling on the intended path becomes easier.

                    Accompanying this next-generation steering technology, Nissan has also developed a camera-based straight-line stability system to further enhance on-center driving capability. This system is a world-first*2 technology that improves vehicle stability by making small input angle adjustments so the vehicle will accurately trace and continue as planned in the lane it is traveling. If the vehicle direction changes due to road surface or crosswinds, the system acts to minimize the effect of these conditions resulting in reduced steering input from the driver.

                    Using a camera mounted above the vehicle’s rearview mirror, the system analyzes the road ahead, recognizes the lane direction, detects changes in the vehicle’s direction, and transmits this information to multiple electronic control units as electronic signals. If a discrepancy occurs, the system acts to reduce the discrepancy by controlling the opposing force to the tire angle. By reducing the frequency of detailed steering input adjustments, which are a cause of fatigue on long drives, the driver’s workload is greatly reduced.

                    This next-generation steering technology’s high reliability is achieved by multiple ECUs. In the event a single ECU malfunctions, another ECU will instantly take control, and in extreme circumstances such as the power supply being disrupted, the backup clutch will act to connect the steering wheel and wheels mechanically, ensuring continued safe travel.

                    This technology will be equipped on select Infiniti models on sale within one year to provide «Driving as Intended» and «Driving with Peace of Mind» for owners.

                    *1: World-first development of an independent control steering technology that controls tire and steering angles inputs independently.
                    *2: World-first development of an accurate tracing technology that enables a driver to continue driving as planned in the lane with small steering angle adjustments (depending on road conditions).

                    Avatar de carlos021A

                      Yo no me fio de lo pedales que no estan conectados, como para fiarme de la direccion…

                      Avatar de A.P.M.

                        [quote quote=»carlosseat»]
                        Yo no me fio de lo pedales que no estan conectados, como para fiarme de la direccion…

                        Quizá no haya desconexión total como tal, sino que esta estará desconectada fisicamente. Si falla, se conecta y asi, aun con dirección de hace «eones», podriamos seguir circulando

                        Avatar de BUser

                          [size size=150]El jefe de Mitsubishi Francia dimite tras llamar «retrasado» al ministro de industria[/size]

                          Jean-Claude Debard era hasta la semana pasada el jefe del importador de Mitsubishi para Francia, pero se ha visto forzado a dimitir tras revelarse unas declaraciones en las que tildaba de «retrasado» al ministro de industria del país galo, Arnaud Montebourg.

                          La semana pasada el diario francés La Provence publicaba una cita de Debard:

                          [i]Este idiota, este retrasado, está aumentando los impuestos verdes, reduciendo los límites de velocidad en la carretera de circunvalación de París y quiere arruinar nuestras vidas.

                          Montebourg la verdad es que no está haciendo amigos entre los representantes de marcas extranjeras, tras sus movimientos como el de intentar bloquear las importaciones de automóviles desde Corea del Sur.

                          Via http://es.autoblog.com/2012/10/29/el-jefe-de-mitsubishi-francia-dimite-tras-llamar-retrasado-al/

                          Yo estoy a favor del ex-jefe de mitsubishi Francia…

                          Avatar de A.P.M.

                            Automobiles Alpine Renault: Asociación Renault-Caterham

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                              [size size=140]Renault and Caterham group announce a partnership to design and build sports vehicles[/size]

                              –   Renault and Caterham Group today announced their decision to join forces in pursuit of a common project: to design develop and build future sports vehicles. This agreement reflects a similar passion and expertise in sports and motorsports vehicles.
                              –   The future vehicles will be distinctive, differentiated, and carry the respective DNA of Alpine and Caterham Cars, the automotive division of Caterham Group. They will be built at the Alpine plant in Dieppe, Normandy, in France.
                              –   The Caterham Group will own 50% stake in the Automobiles Alpine Renault company, currently 100 % held by Renault SAS. The Société des Automobiles Alpine Caterham, which will be resulting from this partnership, shall be created in January 2013. It will be managed by Bernard Ollivier
                              –   This project, which ensures the Dieppe Plant a sustainable future, was made possible thanks to the incentive and to the substantial support and commitment provided by the French State and the Région Haute Normandie which also involved the contribution of Dieppe Maritime.

                              For Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and CEO of Renault:
                              “This innovative partnership with Caterham embodies a longstanding ambition: the creation of a sports car with the Alpine DNA. It carries both opportunities for the Dieppe plant and the development of its historic know-how.” 

                              For Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, Caterham Group Chairman:
                              “I have not felt as excited about a new venture since I launched AirAsia in 2001 and I want to thank Carlos Ghosn and Carlos Tavares and everyone in our new Renault family for having the belief in Caterham Group to create this partnership. Many people doubted us 11 years ago when we launched our airline and I am sure that there will be doubters again this time, but we will not fail your trust. We know the markets we are going into and, particularly in my playground in Asia, there is a huge opportunity to replicate the AirAsia model and give consumers access to exciting, affordable products that marry our interests in F1 and technology and help make their dreams come true.”

                              For Carlos Tavares – COO Renault:
                              “Our ambitions of reviving Alpine depended on our ability to find a partner in order to ensure the economic profitability of such an adventure. Right from the start, we wanted to place the Dieppe plant at the heart of the project. Today, through our partnership with Caterham Group, we can enter a new phase:  the design of a vehicle that will embody the very essence of Alpine, a vehicle that will rekindle sporting passion once more. It could become a reality within the next three or four years.”

                              For Dato Kamarudin Meranun, Caterham Group Deputy Chairman
                              “Formula 1 was always our entry point into the car business. Our original plans to develop a partnership with Lotus were put aside in spectacular and well documented style, but now we have a far better chance to develop Caterham Cars in partnership with Renault, working with Caterham Technology who are also integrally involved in this new venture. Our F1 team has already been working successfully with Renault Sport F1 since the start of the 2011 F1 season and I am thrilled that now we are adding to our track partnership by joining forces with Renault on the road. Together with Renault we have now created an opportunity for Caterham Cars to grow into the next stage of its development from a very well respected niche brand into a serious player on the global motoring map. “

                              Commenting, Bernard Ollivier, CEO of Société des Automobiles Alpine Caterham, said: “I’m very proud of the trust placed in me by both shareholders. The road map for each car is clear and simple: respect the DNA of both Alpine and Caterham Cars. With the passion and expertise of the staff dedicated to this project, we are sure of meeting this aim”.

                              Development ambitions targeting the sports vehicle market
                              Following a feasibility study on the joint development of a sports car conducted by Renault Sport Technologies and Caterham Technology & Innovation (CTI – the engineering and technology business of Caterham Group), Renault and Caterham will combine their skills to build models in large and small series, in order to widen their positioning on the sports vehicle market. The objective for each company is to launch its own vehicle in this market within the next three to four years.

                              An innovative and complementary partnership as part of a joint company
                              – Renault and Caterham Group will each bring their respective technical skills to the development of the future products through a newly-created joint Engineering Department. They will split the required engineering and industrial investments on a 50-50 basis in the spirit of a true partnership.

                              – Société des Automobiles Alpine Caterham will be able to draw upon the expertise of Renault, Renault Sport Technologies and CTI in the development of its future products.

                              Shared values based on a passion for motorsports
                              Alpine:  Jean Rédélé, pilot, businessman and automotive pioneer, founded Alpine in 1955. Alpine’s manufacturing and racing adventure started with the A106 coach based on the platform and engine of the Renault 4 CV. The Alpine DNA is based on nimble, lightweight, high-performance vehicles with flowing lines: a formula that works well for both road and racing cars. The ever-young A110 – celebrating its 50th birthday – is probably the most iconic of Alpine’s road cars. During its existence, Alpine sold 30,000 road sports cars. For several decades, it also carried high Renault’s sporting colours. Among other victories, Alpine was World rally champion in 1973, winner of the Monte Carlo Rally in 1973 and 1974 and of the Le Mans 24-hour event in 1978.  Its sporting record includes many prestigious victories. Alpine ranks among the sporting legends.

                              Caterham Cars: The DNA that runs through every Caterham can be traced back to the 1950s, when its first vehicle, the Seven, was designed. Caterham Cars has inspired passion and emotion ever since. It embodies the essence of what a sports car should be. Today, that philosophy continues to guide Caterham Cars, making ‘accessible fun’ a reality for sports car buyers across the globe.

                              Every weekend, over a thousand competitors race Caterham vehicles on tracks around the world, from Silverstone and Brands Hatch to Bahrain and Abu Dhabi. Today, building on its racing heritage and 40 years of experience in road cars, Caterham Cars is able to combine its engineering excellence with the manufacturing and production capabilities of Renault to create a Caterham vehicle of even greater potential. This new vehicle will still possess the fundamental DNA of the Seven, which remains in production in Dartford, UK.

                              At the heart of the project: the Alpine plant in Dieppe, France
                              The Dieppe plant will play a central role in the partnership between Renault and Caterham Group, at the heart of the sporting passion shared by the two partners. This is where the future sports vehicles of Renault and Caterham will be built. The project is a development opportunity for the Dieppe site, from the standpoint not only of production, but also the acquisition of a prized and unique expertise. The Alpine plant in Dieppe is currently dedicated to building the vehicles developed by Renault Sport Technologies, both production (Clio R.S.) and racing models.

                              The Dieppe plant, built in 1969, is the historical home of the Alpine brand which gave birth to such legendary models as the Berlinette. Its core business is the assembly of sport vehicles, the assembly and sale of motorsports cars, and the sale of spare parts for motorsports vehicles, including at sports events. Its flexibility and ability to adapt are just two of the specific characteristics that enable it to produce vehicles in small runs. With a workforce of over 300 and a surface area of 76,000 m² of which 36,900 m² is built up, the plant has produced more than 400 000 vehicles since 1969.

                              Bernard Ollivier, biography
                              Born March 11, 1952, and a graduate of Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (1975), Bernard Ollivier joined Renault in 1977. He occupied a number of positions in planning, finance and management before being appointed corporate controller and head of planning at Renault’s Sales and Marketing department in 1992. He subsequently became after-sales director at Renault and managing director of Sodicam. He took over as head of the CAT group (logistics) in January 2000. He was appointed general manager of Renault Sport Technologies in July 2001 and head of Group engineering facilities in France (particularly Guyancourt) from April 2, 2007. He became VP, Transformation at Renault in January 2011.


                              About Renault and Renault Sport
                              Since the victory of Louis Renault in the Paris-Trouville race in 1899, Renault’s culture and history has been closely linked with motor sports. Renault is a major player in motorsports through its subsidiaries Renault Sport F1 and Renault Sport Technologies. In the last 35 years, Renault has won more F1 titles than any other constructor (nine drivers’ titles and ten constructors’ titles). Renault is the world’s leading manufacturer of single seaters – with the Formula Renault 2.0 and Formula Renault 3.5 – without forgetting rally cars. Renault Sport Technologies brings its expertise to the design and manufacture of the Renault Sport range. The GT and R.S. versions of Twingo, Clio and Megane are renowned for their performance and handling. At the same time, Renault brings motorsports to a wide audience, free of charge, with the World Series by Renault events. Motorsports are the showcase for Renault’s technical expertise and passion, with direct benefits for production cars. Present on every continent, with more than 350 manufacturing and commercial sites in 118 countries, Renault designs, builds and sells a broad range of innovative and reliable vehicles that respect the environment. Today, Renault is pursuing its strategy of profitable growth with its associated brands, Dacia and Renault Samsung Motors. Renault employs a workforce of 128,000. It had revenue of €42.628 million in 2010 and sold more than 2.7 million vehicles in 2011.

                              About Caterham Group, Caterham Cars and CTI
                              Caterham Group is the parent company grouping businesses specialising in cars, motorsports, technology and innovation, including Caterham Cars, Caterham Technology and Innovation, Caterham F1 Team and Caterham Composites.

                              Caterham Cars is a highly specialized sports car manufacturer, renowned throughout the world for delivering precision-engineered, high-performance, lightweight cars, encapsulated by the Seven. The development programme is based on a simple philosophy: marrying a lightweight body to a powerful engine, and applying intuitive, confidence-inspiring handling. Today, Caterham’s range of Sevens reflects perfectly that ideal. The company has its production based in Dartford, Kent, UK and has a global retail network.

                              Caterham Technology and Innovation (CTI) is a specialist engineering business with a focus on advanced vehicle concepts, enhanced powertrains, advanced materials and manufacturing technologies. CTI engineers undertake advanced projects for external companies in the automotive and aerospace sectors. The company has its headquarters in Hingham, Norfolk, UK.

                              Avatar de A.P.M.

                                En resumen:
                                – Se crea una sociedad conjunta compartida al 50%
                                – Renault invertirá 50 millones y pondrá la fabrica de Dieppe y su personal
                                – En 2014 aparecerá el primer desarrollo conjunto de varios modelos que habrá

                                Avatar de A.P.M.
                                  Avatar de bubbashuck

                                    Donde esté el A110 que se quite la cosa esa,xD. Pero bueno, los mercados dictan…

                                    Avatar de A.P.M.

                                      GORDINI: La versión mas radical de cada modelo

                                      Una buena noticia más nos llega desde Renault. Ayer te contábamos la esperadísima y ansiada recuperación de Alpine como marca comercial. En la misma presentación, Carlos Tavares, el jefe de Renault reconoció el error de hacer de Gordini un mero apellido de equipamiento deportivo, teñido de color azul y bandas blancas.

                                      Pero esto va a cambiar. Como bien sabes, cada modelo Renault Sport tiene una variante «Cup», más enfocada a las prestaciones, con suspensiones más rígidas y un tarado genérico más radical. Pues bien, parece ser que a partir de ahora las versiones Cup se llamarán Gordini.

                                      Coches como el radicalísimo Megane R26.R también llevarán el sobre nombre Gordini, con lo que el glorioso nombre de ascendencia deportiva recuperará su sentido más estricto. Nos alegramos, porque lo que habíamos visto hasta ahora era poco menos que un insulto a su historia.


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                                        [size size=150]Renault-Nissan comprarán el 67% de Autovaz en una semana[/size]

                                        Renault- Nissan’s $750 million controlling investment in Russia’s OAO AutoVAZ is set to wrap up next week, Russian sources have revealed.

                                        The deal, which will see Renault-Nissan take a 67 percent share in AutoVAZ, was announced earlier this year but won’t actually go into effect for about 14 months from now.

                                        Renault-Nissan will boost its current 26 percent share to 67 percent by buying out Russian investment bank Troika Dialog’s stake. Renault-Nissan ally Russian Technologies, a state-owned firm, controls a further 7 percent of AutoVAZ, which effectively gives the French-Japanese alliance a controlling stake.

                                        The expansion of Renault-Nissan’s reach isn’t likely to change its product portfolio globally, but it gives the automakers a big leg up in the fast-growing Russian market, which is set to expand by about 12 percent to roughly 2.75 million vehicles this year.

                                        AutoVAZ, the country’s largest domestic automaker, dates back to communist Russia, when it was formed as a producer of «people’s cars» for its highly regemented home market, although its products have long been sold in Western Europe. For a brief period, the company’s Lada Niva compact off roader (pictured) was sold in Canada.


                                        Avatar de Palmero

                                          Aprovecho el hilo para preguntar si alguien sabe algo sobre otro posible facelift para el Megane. Lo mencionaba la revista AutoPlus de hace unas semanas y ahora lo han puesto en Automobile-Magazine —> http://www.automobile-magazine.fr/actualites/scoops/renault/renault_megane_restylage_2013

                                          Según esto, se presentaría en el Salón de Frankfurt de 2013, adoptaría el nuevo estilo de diseño de Renault, sistema multimedia R-Link…

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                                            [size size=150]Renault-Nissan invertirá 570 millones para controlar la rusa Avtovaz[/size]

                                            La alianza Renault-Nissan se ha asegurado el control del fabricante ruso Avtovaz (dueño de la marca Lada), en el que ostentará una participación mayoritaria en junio de 2014 tras acometer una inversión de 742 millones de dólares (unos 570 millones de euros al cambio actual).

                                            Así se desprende del acuerdo suscrito este miércoles en Moscú entre la alianza franco-nipona y la empresa pública rusa Russian Technologies, para la constitución de una ‘joint venture’ que controlará el capital de Avtovaz.

                                            Esta sociedad conjunta ostentará el 74,5% del capital de Avtovaz. Renault, que ya cuenta con el 25% de las acciones del fabricante, invertirá 366 millones de dólares (280 millones de euros) para controlar el 50,10% de la ‘joint venture’, denominada Alliance Rostec Auto.

                                            Por su parte, Nissan ejecutará una inversión de 376 millones de dólares (290 millones de euros) para hacerse con el 17,03% de la ‘joint venture’, en la que Russian Technologies controlará el 32,87% restante.

                                            Al mismo tiempo, el consejo de administración de Avtovaz pasará de 12 a 15 miembros, con ocho representantes correspondientes a la alianza Renault-Nissan. Carlos Ghosn, presidente de ambas empresas, estará al frente del consejo de administración de la ‘joint venture’ y se alternará en la vicepresidencia de Avtovaz con el máximo responsable de Russian Technologies, Sergei Tchemezov.

                                            La firma de este acuerdo se produce ocho meses después de la inauguración de la planta de Togliatti, que acumula una inversión de 400 millones de euros y que producirá cinco modelos de las marcas Lada, Renault y Nissan.

                                            Rusia es actualmente el tercer mercado mundial para la alianza Renault-Nissan, con unas ventas de 878.990 unidades el pasado año, de las que 578.387 unidades correspondieron a la marca Lada, que disfruta de una cuota de penetración del 33%.

                                            Via http://www.europapress.es/motor/sector-00644/noticia-renault-nissan-invertira-570-millones-controlar-rusa-avtovaz-20121212113910.html

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