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Noticias Alianza Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi

INICIO FOROS NOVEDADES Actualidad del motor Noticias Alianza Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi

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      Lo unico es que dicen que en el segmento C habria un compacto, mientras que en la nota de prensa de la asociación se hablaba de un sedan
      Y definen que el sedan del segmento D derivará del SM5/Latitude, dentro de 2 o 3 años, pero no encaja, porque ese modelo a finales del año que viene desaparece, junto con el Laguna, para hacer una nueva berlina con base CMF. Si se fabrica en Corea, y hay cambio de modelo, no encaja, no se…

      Avatar de A.P.M.

        [size size=150]La alianza ya ha vendido 200.000 electricos[/size]

        Nissan, desde la aparición del Leaf, lleva vendidos alrededor de 150.000 unidades, mientras que Renault lleva 51.500 desde 2011
        En julio de 2013 vendieron 100.000 unidades, asi que tienen una ventas conjuntas de 6250 unidades desde ese mes hasta conseguir las 200.000

        Nota de prensa, en inglés
        Renault-Nissan Alliance sells its 200,000th electric vehicle

        – Renault-Nissan EVs have driven 4 billion kilometers and enjoy 58% of zero-emission global market share
        – Nissan LEAF remains best-selling EV ever; Renault led in Europe last month
        – Alliance launches monthly video series introducing electric vehicle owners from around the world sharing their personal stories with their zero-emission car

        PARIS/YOKOHAMA (Nov. 26, 2014)-The Renault-Nissan Alliance has sold its 200,000th electric vehicle and has a leading 58% market share for zero-emission cars.

        Together, Renault and Nissan EVs have driven approximately 4 billion zero-emission kilometers – enough to circle the earth 100,000 times. Renault-Nissan’s EVs represent 200 million liters of fuel saved – enough to fill about 80 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Alliance EVs also represent 450 million kg of CO2 that has not been emitted while driving.

        The Alliance sold its 200,000th EV in early November, about four years after the launch of the Nissan LEAF, the world’s first mass-market electric vehicle. Nissan LEAF remains the best-selling electric vehicle in history.

        From January through the first week of November of this year, the Alliance has sold about 66,500 units-an increase of about 20% from the same period last year. The Alliance sells about two out of three electric vehicles worldwide, including Twizy, Renault’s two-seater urban commuter vehicle and the Nissan e-NV200 van on sale in Europe and Japan.

        «Renault and Nissan’s electric vehicles are the zero-emission volume leaders – and, most important, they enjoy high satisfaction rates from customers around the world,» said Carlos Ghosn, Chairman & CEO of the Renault-Nissan Alliance. «Based on positive owner feedback and the increasing demand for cars that run on renewable energy, it’s no surprise that EV sales are accelerating – particularly in regions where charging infrastructure is well developed.»

        To capture what the first 200,000 consumers love about their electric vehicles, the Renault-Nissan Alliance is launching a series of videos featuring EV owners on three continents. «I Made the Switch» tells why people bought their electric vehicles and how switching to a zero-emission vehicle has changed their lives. The first video features Chris Beers, a software engineer from Holliston, Massachusetts, USA, one of many Americans who powers his Nissan LEAF with clean solar energy. To see the video, click here: http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7381531-renault-nissan-electric-vehicle-sales/

        USA and Japan lead the world in EV ownership

        In the United States, the Alliance’s biggest electric vehicle market, there are more than 750 quick chargers in operation. Nissan is working with its dealers and charging partners to increase that number to 1,100 by mid-2015. The quick chargers are able to charge a LEAF from zero to 80% capacity in about 30 minutes.

        This year, Nissan also launched its «No Charge to Charge» program, which provides free access to selected charging stations for two years with the purchase or lease of a new Nissan LEAF. «No Charge to Charge» is currently active in 12 U.S. markets, and Nissan plans to expand to additional markets by mid-2015.

        In Japan, the Alliance’s second-biggest EV market, there are more than 2,900 quick chargers in operation. Nissan and Japan’s three other top automakers have pledged to work together to raise that number to 6,000 by March 2015.

        In Europe, the UK is the most advanced market in terms of electric vehicle infrastructure. Today, the quick charging network already covers 87% of the UK’s motorways.

        Nissan LEAF is the world’s best-selling electric vehicle; Renault led in Europe in October

        With six electric vehicle models on the road, the Renault-Nissan Alliance is the only global car group with a full range of 100% electric vehicles – and they can be fully charged with purely renewable energy.

        Yokohama, Japan-based Nissan has sold a cumulative 148,700 units worldwide since December 2010, when Nissan LEAF went on sale. Nissan LEAF has collected industry honors including the 2011 World Car of the Year, European Car of the Year 2011 and Car of the Year Japan 2011-2012.The electric vehicle has the highest global customer satisfaction rate for any Nissan vehicle ever.

        The top markets for Nissan LEAF are the United States with about 67,000 sales since its launch, Japan with about 46,500 units and Europe with about 31,000 units.

        In the United States, LEAF is on track to be the top electric vehicle in 2014, outselling all other electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Sales so far this year are up 35%, and Nissan LEAF has enjoyed 21 consecutive record sales months and has already shattered its own yearly U.S. sales record with two months to go. In addition to LEAF, Nissan also sells the e-NV200 van, which went on sale in Europe in June and in Japan in October.

        Meanwhile, Boulogne-Billancourt, France-based Renault has sold a cumulative 51,500 electric vehicles worldwide since its first model the Kangoo Z.E. went on sale in October 2011. Kangoo Z.E. was voted International Van of the Year 2012. Renault recently delivered its 5,000th Kangoo Z.E. to La Poste, France’s national postal service and operator of the country’s largest corporate fleet. An additional 5,000 units will be delivered in the coming years.

        In addition to Kangoo Z.E. and Twizy, Renault’s zero-emission range also includes the ZOE subcompact and the Fluence Z.E. sedan. In South Korea, the Fluence Z.E. is sold as the SM3 Z.E. under the Renault Samsung Motor badge. Like Nissan LEAF, ZOE enjoys the highest satisfaction rate of Renault’s global product lineup.

        Renault’s top markets in Europe – its main electric vehicle market – are France, Germany and the United Kingdom. In October, Renault regained the number one EV position in Europe with a market share of 31%. ZOE was the most popular vehicle with a 23% market share.

        Note to editor: The zero-emission distance and CO2 data are based on a calculated average.

        Avatar de A.P.M.

          Aparece en la revista autopista, en la 2ª pagina, vamos, que es una frase y ya está:
          [i]Ligereza al poder: en Renault quieren reducir el peso medio de los nuevos vehiculos en 110kg antes de 2015 y en 220 kg antes de 2018[/i]

          Ojo, lo digo sin hacer cuentas: supongo que esto quiere decir que pretenden hacer rebajas de cada modelo de entre 100 y 300kg (cuanto mas grande el modelo, mas rebaja de peso). Y en esto habrá que contar tambien con las fases II de Clio y Captur, el nuevo Koleos…

          Avatar de BUser

            Por ejemplo, el Clio pesa mil y pico kilos, mientras que el 208 baja de los 1000. Hablo de la versión gasolina.

            Y, al final, es la mejor medida para bajar el consumo y obtener un mejor dinamismo en carretera.

            Avatar de A.P.M.

              [quote quote=»paulodelarosa»]Por ejemplo, el Clio pesa mil y pico kilos, mientras que el 208 baja de los 1000. Hablo de la versión gasolina.

              Y, al final, es la mejor medida para bajar el consumo y obtener un mejor dinamismo en carretera.[/quote]
              El Clio que nos viene a España, la versión tce de 90cv (hay que especificar, porque el de 75cv seguro que está por debajo jeje) pesa alrededor de lo que pesaba el Clio III 1.2 tce100, mientras que el francés, al llevar mas piezas de material «plastico», es como 100kg mas ligero. Ya nos podia llegar ese aqui, que seguro que hasta está mejor hecho.

              Igual en el phII lo ponen como el francés, o añaden mas elementos para aligerar, quien sabe, pero si esa rebaja de peso lo han dicho de verdad, el Clio y Captur tienen que bajar peso tambien, si no, no encajaria esos 220kg solo con modelos nuevos

              Avatar de BUser

                La versión francesa pesa 1069 kg. Y la turca algo más.

                Si no me equivoco

                Avatar de A.P.M.

                  Oficialmente la versión francesa 1009, la turca segun parece es el mismo peso, pero en la revista autopista, cuando hicieron su prueba, pasaba los 1100kg, como en el Clio III 1.2 tce, lo cual me parece demasiado cuando se habia dicho que bajaba 100kg
                  El Clio III 1.2 tce pesaba en catalogo 1064kg

                  Estos son los pesos del Clio IV

                  Avatar de BUser

                    Vamos, que no baja de los 1000 kg cuando el 208 si. 😉 😀

                    Avatar de A.P.M.

                      Renault: novedades para el futuro de la movilidad
                      – Nuevo motor electrico hecho en casa
                      – Nuevo motor gasolina/GLP tricilindrico turbo
                      – ‘HYDIVU’, hibrido diesel-electrico para vehiculos comerciales ligeros
                      – Motor dci bicilindrico compresor y turbo
                      – ‘VELUD’, solución para el Twizy

                      Las soluciones iran llegando en los proximos años, siendo en 12 meses el punto de partida

                      nota de prensa, en inglés

                      – New Renault compact electric motor to improve EV efficiency
                      – Small petrol/LPG turbo engine to lower fuel bills by 25 per cent
                      – Innovations for urban deliveries and electrification
                      – ‘HYDIVU’ prototype: Mild-Diesel Hybrid for LCVs
                      – ‘POWERFUL’ prototype: two-stroke, two-cylinder super-charged and turbo-charged diesel engine
                      – ‘VELUD’ prototype: Twizy-based electric urban delivery solution
                      – Renault’s innovations ‘think tank’ reveals what is coming in the next few years
                      – Production starts within 12 months for some innovations

                      Renault today lifted the lid on two innovations based on its EOLAB prototype, both of which are scheduled to appear in production cars in 2015. At the same time the innovative French company has revealed three longer-term approaches to low-fuel consumption, low-emissions mobility.

                      All were unveiled at an Innovations@Renault event in Paris, where the company’s Co-operative Innovations Laboratory (LCI) – a think tank that unites engineers, designers and customer survey specialists – gave a behind-the-scenes peek into how Renault powertrains and propulsion systems might evolve in the next few years.

                      Renault has developed a new, more efficient and more compact electric motor and a new turbocharged petrol engine adapted for use with LPG (liquified petroleum gas), both of which are scheduled for introduction next year. Looking further ahead, Renault and its partners are looking at a mild hybrid diesel prototype (HYDIVU project), a diminutive two-stroke diesel engine (POWERFUL project) and a small electric delivery vehicle based on the Twizy (VELUD project) as the basis for clean, low-cost urban mobility.

                      Production-ready power units

                      New, compact electric motor

                      The new, compact electric motor ­– designed and made entirely by Renault – delivers similar performance to those in use today but is around 10 per cent smaller. It is a synchronous unit with a wound rotor and delivers 65 kW (88hp) and 220 Nm of torque. It was designed by Renault’s motor engineers in France and manufactured in Renault’s Cléon plant.

                      Renault has switched from macro-module stacking to fully integrated modules, assembled closely so that no external power supply cables are necessary. The junction box and integrated Chameleon charger (as fitted to ZOE) are contained within a single Power Electronic Controller, which is 25 per cent smaller than existing systems.

                      The motor is now air-cooled, simplifying the system with only the Power Electronic Controller continuing to be cooled by water. Improved electronic management reduces charging times using the 3kW and 11kW flexi-cable, while a redesigned inverter improves efficiency and reducing power consumption.

                      Dual-fuel petrol/LPG engine

                      Renault’s new dual-fuel petrol/LPG engine promises 25 per cent lower fuel bills and 10 per cent lower CO2 emissions than a comparable petrol-only power unit. It is a three-cylinder engine featuring a turbocharger, engine Stop&Start, brake energy recovery and an eco-mode, and it complies with EU6 emissions regulations. These modern technologies realise a fuel consumption reduction of 20 per cent compared to a previous-generation LPG engine. The technical challenge was to achieve the right balance between turbo boost and LPG pressure while allowing maximum use in LPG mode with no input from the driver. The entire powertrain is fitted at the factory complete with its LPG kit.

                      Research Prototypes

                      ‘HYDIVU’ – Mild-Hybrid diesel

                      The ‘HYDIVU’ (Hybrid Diesel for LCVs) research prototype aims to reduce fuel consumption and therefore running costs for high-mileage business users. It is based on the Master van powered by Renault’s ENERGY dCi 165 Twin Turbo diesel engine, and has been engineered in conjunction with a number of European partners.

                      It integrates a 48-volt (10-12 kW) starter motor and alternator-type electric motor mounted on the gearbox to deliver additional torque and reduce the load on the combustion engine. Its positioning, as close as possible to the wheel, promotes greater efficiency by allowing maximum recovery of energy during deceleration and braking. This ‘free energy’ is stored in the 48-volt battery to be used as extra torque on demand.

                      The power unit also features what Renault calls ‘Downspeeding’ – longer gear ratios which reduce engine revolutions when cruising to lower fuel consumption – while the twin turbos with variable geometry have been specially adapted to this concept. Significant levels of torque are available from just 1,000 rpm, and driveability is consistent across the entire rev band. Internal friction has been reduced through innovations like the steel pistons, and fuel injection pressure has been raised by 25 per cent to 2,500 bar to reduce emissions.

                      These three technologies result in a fuel consumption reduction of up to 10 percent over long distances.

                      ‘POWERFUL’ – two-stroke, two-cylinder super-charged and turbo-charged diesel engine

                      Two-stroke diesel engines are commonplace in large container ships. Their thermal efficiency is around 50 per cent while four-stroke diesels struggle to reach 35 per cent. The difficulty, until now, has been in adapting two-stroke technology for an engine small enough for automotive use, which Renault is aiming to solve with its ‘POWERFUL’ (POWERtrain for Future Light-duty vehicles) project.

                      The two-cylinder engine is only half the size of Renault’s 1.5-litre dCi diesel, weighs 40 kg less, ideally suited for small vehicle platforms. This 730cc unit is both super-charged and turbo-charged and produces between 35kW and 50kW (48hp-68hp) with 112-145Nm of torque from 1,500rpm.

                      Initial tests are encouraging, although the performance needs to be improved before Renault could consider introducing it. The engine is being developed with 18 industrial, scientific and academic partners in France, Spain and the Czech Republic, with investment from the European Union.

                      ‘VELUD’ (Electric Vehicle for Sustainable Urban Logistics) project

                      With urban deliveries in mind, Renault has produced its ‘VELUD’ (Electric Vehicle for Sustainable Urban Logistics) project, based on the Twizy, in conjunction with a number of academic and civic partners. It is intended as a ‘final miles’ solution to take cargo loaded into a small trailer from pre-defined zones to their final delivery point using intelligent fleet management.

                      All these projects are the work of LCI, a group within Renault which has been given the freedom to step outside the framework of conventional product programmes and come up with completely original mobility solutions. The Twizy, Renault’s NEXT TWO autonomous connected vehicle prototype and EOLAB are just some of the solutions already created by LCI.

                      Avatar de A.P.M.

                        Bueno, de momento, el proyecto de berlina media (D) de Mitsubishi está estancado. No se ha dicho mas, asi que no se sabe que ha pasado.
                        El sedan del segmento C y otros proyectos comunes parece que siguen adelante


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                          mariodna, forero de forocoches y periodista de DiarioMotor, fue a la presentación del Kadjar, y ha comentado alguna cosilla que le han dicho:
                          [quote quote=»mariodna»]Nos mencionaron que este año habrá 5 modelos nuevos:

                          Kadjar, Espace, Berlina de segmento D, pick up y un coche de entrada a la marca, del segmento A. Entiendo que será el smart fortwo pero con el rombo.[/quote]

                          Aunque yo creo que no es el hermano del Fortwo
                          Salvo el Pick up y el modelo de entrada a la marca, los demás se sabian. Curiosamente ha puesto berlina segmento D y no Laguna.
                          Lo de fortwo con rombo no lo creo, me parece que será otro modelo, otro coche mas sencillo. En cuanto al pick up, supongo que se basará en el presentado como concept, lo unico es saber a que paises va destinado


                          Avatar de Ruben4you

                            Opino lo mismo, no creo que sea un Fortwo con la estética del Twingo, que podrían… pero lo dudo, se canceló el proyecto. Yo me decanto por una evolución del Twizy, con sus puertas, mayor autonomía y sistema de climatización.

                            Avatar de A.P.M.

                              Podria ser, y estaria muy bien que fuese el Twizy, pero no es un coche del segmento A, sino un cuadriciclo, con lo que no encajaria

                              Avatar de A.P.M.

                                Parece que se aclara un poco la noticia que salió hace dias.
                                Segun parece, el hecho de paralizar la berlina D es porque quieren prorizar la berlina C, es decir, el Lancer, ya que es un modelo global.

                                Podria desarrollarse a partir de una base Nissan y no Renault ¿Por qué? Porque si fuese Renault, se produciria en Corea, y parece que la diferencia entre la moneda coreana y la americana complicaria la venta del modelo
                                Con lo que, de ser Nissan, se podria hacer en EE.UU. o incluso Japón


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                                  Gracias caché de google!!
                                  He podido encontrar esta imagen desaparecida 😀

                                  Y que era, y es, de lo mas interesante

                                  Avatar de A.P.M.

                                    Otra imagen mas, parecida a la anterior, pero con las presentaciones puestas

                                    planete renault

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                                      Lleva al salón internacional de Quebec (Canada) el Twizy
                                      Parece que su intención es volver a Norte America. En este caso, lo ha presentado en Transport Canada para ver si se puede aprobar su uso.

                                      Ofreceria tanto la versión de 2 plazas como la versión Cargo, de una plaza


                                      Avatar de A.P.M.

                                        Entrevista a Carlos Ghosn, en inglés. Habla de Renault, Nissan, cooperaciones, ventas…
                                        Ghosn sees Renault-Nissan passing No. 3 GM by 2018

                                        Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn remains confident that by 2018 his seven-brand alliance will rank as one of the world’s three largest automakers. He sees the alliance rising from No. 4 now despite big troubles in Russia and finishing about 1.4 million units behind No. 3 General Motors last year. Ghosn is confident because, he says: “A lot of things can happen in three years.” Ghosn shared his views on the sales race, the reasons for Dacia’s success and more during an interview with Automotive News Europe Editor Luca Ciferri.

                                        Will economic downturns in markets such as Russia prevent Renault-Nissan from becoming one of the three largest automakers by 2018?
                                        In the short term some of the emerging markets where we have significant capacity such as Russia are not moving in the right direction, but this will not last forever. Russia has a much bigger potential than what the market is showing today. When oil prices return to a more reasonable level – because today they are abnormally low – the Russian market will boom again. Russia falls very quickly but also recovers very rapidly. Brazil is much the same. India is one of the Asian markets with the highest potential for growth. We have made investments there and our product offensive is starting now.

                                        Do you still believe the alliance will rise into the top three in three years?
                                        Yes, I’m optimistic that the numbers will rise. We have headwinds in some markets, but we sold 8.5 million units last year. The No. 3 [General Motors] is 1.4 million units ahead of us, but in this industry, a lot of things can happen in three years.

                                        Does the alliance need another partner to enter the top three?
                                        We don’t need another partner. Partnerships are a matter of opportunity, synergies and complementarity. You don’t form partnerships just for the sake of additional volume. Scale is a problem, sure, but at 8.5 million units, we don’t lack scale. Somebody else needs to worry about scale, not us.

                                        Are you planning any big changes to your cooperation with Daimler?
                                        I don’t think we need to change anything. This cooperation in going very well. We are adding projects and, frankly, we are acclimating to each other very quickly.

                                        And beyond Daimler?
                                        Will there be more opportunity for cooperation with other carmakers? Without any doubt, because this industry is changing very quickly, not only in terms of technology, but also on product and the geographic footprint. There is always a configuration that makes more sense than the one you have today. I don’t rule out anything, but at the same time, we are not in a position where we need to find a partner for our survival.

                                        What are the biggest opportunities for the alliance?
                                        For Nissan, the biggest opportunity is [becoming more] premium and the development of Infiniti is a big part of that. At the opposite end of the product spectrum, Nissan is benchmarking Dacia to try to replicate its success with the Datsun range. For Renault, the biggest opportunity is geographical expansion. The first step is properly getting into China, where we plan a 3 percent market share, about 600,000 units a year, from about 30,000 units that we import now. The second step is to create an entry-level range for emerging markets. Another step at Renault is expanding the product line.

                                        Why have none of your rivals been able to launch a serious rival to Dacia?
                                        You should ask the competitors who said they were going to replicate the Dacia business model why they could not do it. What I can say is that Dacia is not just a car range. It’s a whole system, implemented with integrity in order to get the results in product, manufacturing, supply chain, marketing and sales. This may be something that is difficult to reproduce. I’m very happy that no one has been able to reproduce it yet.

                                        Are Dacias and Dacia-badged Renaults still producing a double-digit operating margin?
                                        Absolutely. Profitability in our industry is where people cannot copy you.

                                        Renault has increased its operating margin from 0.1 percent in 2012 to 1.3 percent in 2013 to 2.2 percent last year. Will that number rise into the 3’s this year?
                                        We need to be very prudent for a number of reasons, for example, Russia. We have the potential to deliver [an even higher operating margin], but the result will depend more on the external environment than on our performance.

                                        What is the outlook for Europe?
                                        Europe is not growing, it is recovering. There’s a big difference. The European market is still about 20 percent below its 2007 peak. I think the current situation is healthy and this slow recovery will continue in the coming years.

                                        And in the U.S.?
                                        The U.S. recovery is finished and we are on a new growth path. I don’t think the U.S. market has peaked yet. We will see moderate growth continuing. Probably not 5 percent year-over-year, but 2 to 3 percent, which is fine.

                                        What about China?
                                        China will continue to grow, but the pace is moderating, which is normal. I don’t think the world’s largest market could continue to grow by 70 percent a year. I do not envisage any risk of a bubble. There may be some excesses here or there, but nothing major is threatening the car industry in China.

                                        Last year, the Renault Captur became Europe’s No. 1 small crossover replacing the Nissan Juke. Does that create a conflict within the alliance?
                                        We’ve always said that the alliance should not be a handicap for any company. Renault and Nissan can launch any product at any time in any market. Also, we do not see direct competition in the market place. During consumer panels a Renault is seldom cross-shopped against a Nissan and the other way around. In Europe, Nissan is in a basket with Toyota, Honda, Hyundai … mostly Asian brands. For Renault it’s mainly European brands.

                                        Will you add or cut suppliers?
                                        Every time we can reduce the number of suppliers, we do it. However, reducing the number of suppliers risks reducing competition. Therefore, you need to make sure that the guys who are supplying you become your partners. If not, you will find yourself in a very uncomfortable position: not having a big choice [of companies to work with] and not having long-term relationships.

                                        Is there an ideal number of suppliers?
                                        No, because all the new technology development taking place today adds new parts and new suppliers, so it’s impossible to have a cap.

                                        Do you have a problem when a supplier’s margins are higher than yours?
                                        No. I’m worried when a supplier has a much lower margin than mine, because he may not be interested in doing business with me. Also, when you come to ask him for competitiveness, he will tell you: “I don’t make enough money.” When your suppliers make more money than you, it puts you at ease to have a very balanced relationship.

                                        You plan to retire before the end of the decade. You have said you would not recommend that one person runs both Renault and Nissan in the future. Has your opinion changed?
                                        No. I don’t wish this on anyone. I’m doing it because of circumstances. That’s why I don’t think it would be fair to repeat something like this.

                                        Who are your potential successors?
                                        I’m not going to speculate on this because this is not a pressing matter. I have a new mandate with Renault that runs until 2018, so we still have three and a half years to go

                                        Is 65 the right time to retire?
                                        Retiring at 65 is mandatory at Renault. The issue came before the board and I voted in favor of this. Like most Japanese companies, Nissan does not have an age limit. In every country we operate, we follow the local rules. Those CEOs who think that they are still young and fresh enough to do the job at 65 can go and negotiate with their boards. I personally think that 65 is a very reasonable time for a CEO to step down.

                                        How important is autonomous driving?
                                        Renault-Nissan wants to be at the forefront of autonomous driving, which means empowering people in the car, giving them the possibility to drive or not to drive, to let the car do things for you under your guidance. It’s about re-establishing the pleasure of driving. What pleasure is there in keeping your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel during a traffic jam? At the same time we are not interested in driverless cars. That is a completely different story.

                                        When will the investments in autonomous driving start to pay off?
                                        Autonomous driving comes from modules and we are already installing some of them in our cars such as automatic parking, lane keeping and steer-by-wire. These and other pieces of technology are coming one after the other, so they are being amortized one by one. I would say that autonomous driving is a much easier technology to amortize than electric cars or fuel cells. With EVs and fuel cells, you don’t start to amortize until you sell the first complete car. In autonomous driving, you start to amortize by introducing each single module.

                                        Are you cooperating with Daimler on autonomous driving?
                                        Right now we don’t cooperate with Daimler, but it doesn’t mean we will not one day.


                                        Avatar de A.P.M.

                                          En el salón de Ginebra, Bruno Ancelin, Vicepresidente de Renault ha comentado que Alpine será una submarca de Renault, con modelos deportivos. Pero no lo dice tal cual, lo dice porque una marca no se puede crear con un solo modelo, sino que deberia haber varios mas (en su momento se comentaba 3)

                                          Habla de marcas deportivas premium como Audi y Porsche, y para llegar a ese nivel esperan contar con la experiencia del grupo Renault-Nissan y de la alianza con Mercedes

                                          El primero en salir será el deportivo de motor central heredero del A110, con nombre interno AS1.


                                          Avatar de A.P.M.

                                            Renault registra el nombre Renault Tennessee

                                            Se especula con que podria volver a EE.UU., pudiendo ser el Alpine el primer producto que se vendiese alli, pero no encajaria con la producción del modelo en EE.UU. puesto que se fabricará en Dieppe


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