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Noticias Alianza Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi

INICIO FOROS NOVEDADES Actualidad del motor Noticias Alianza Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi

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      Entrevista, en inglés, al vicepresidente de planificación de producto Bruno Ancelin

      What is Renault doing to improve its pricing in Europe?

      The best way to improve pricing and brand awareness is by simply putting good products on the market. More than 10 years ago, we had a lot of problems with reliability and quality. Now I think that our quality level is one of the best in the market. If you compare the equipment that we offer and the added value customers can find in our cars, our level of pricing is intelligent. Unlike some competitors that are losing money in the European market, we are not offering discounts.

      What are you doing to close the pricing gap with Volkswagen?

      We want to catch up with them, but it’s impossible without offering more features and better quality with a more premium look, which is what we are trying to do with the new Espace and the new midsize sedan.

      How will the new Megane, your Volkswagen Golf rival, be positioned compared with the current car?

      We must establish design consistency with the predecessor because we have learned that introducing a breakthrough in design is not good for the residual value of the car. We want the new Megane to maintain an element of continuity with its predecessor because it is a core model, like the Golf is for VW.

      The Kadjar will compete against the Qashqai, your partner Nissan’s best-selling vehicle in Europe. Won’t that cause problems?

      You have two brands and two different positions in the market. The content of the two cars also is very different, even though they share the same platform. There is absolutely no problem.

      The new Twingo minicar was switched to rear-wheel drive. What has been the response?

      The Twingo represented an opportunity to design a shorter car with a very good turning radius and with a better loading capacity than the previous-generation car. There is a lot of space inside the car and its design is original, which was not the case with the previous-generation Twingo. We have been able to better compete against specific models and in certain markets especially in Italy. And you can guess what that model is in Italy.

      Renault set ambitious sales goals in Europe for its electric cars that have not been met. How are you reacting to the weaker-than-expected demand?

      We are learning. We already have improved the performance of the Zoe’s battery cell and powertrain. We can apply this expertise to the development of plug-in hybrids. When you develop components for an EV, you can develop many of the same the components for plug-ins.

      Renault and Nissan say most of their EV customers are very satisfied. Nissan says that more than 90 percent of Leaf customers would purchase another Leaf. Why is this the case?

      The Zoe ranks No. 1 in the French market for customer satisfaction. This shows that once people drive and own an EV, they have a positive reaction. I was not a big fan of EVs at first, but once you try one you appreciate many things such as the acceleration and the extra room inside because it does not have a large combustion engine. The big problem is the driving range. But eventually, the Zoe will reach 400km. It will be a step-by-step improvement. There will be no miracle breakthrough.


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        Entrevista a Bernard Ollivier, jefe de Alpine, en la presentación del Celebration concept

        Does this confirm that a production car is on the way now?

        “Yes and no. Yes because it’s a sign that we are beginning to get the concept, but it’s not finished. Our objective through Alpine Celebration is to assess. It is very difficult for us – we have to relaunch a brand. This is very rare on the market. And it is very difficult to be sure what kind of expectations customers will have, and at the end what kind of profitability we will have.

        «For instance, you have seen the Alpine Celebration in the village [where it is on display to the public]. If I change the logo and I put Renaultsport, or Porsche, or Lotus. Is there a difference of assessment by people? If they are interested. It is very important for us. What kind of people? Perhaps if I put Porsche it’s not the same customer than if it is Alpine or Renault Sport. So it’s quite a survey.

        «We think… we have our idea. Our objective is to validate our idea or to change. My opinion is that the potential customers are very modern so they are waiting for a modern car, but of course if you buy an Alpine, you are waiting for a real Alpine.

        «A real Alpine means the DNA of Alpine, which is light, fast and fun to drive. So our proposition with Alpine Celebration is that we think a new Alpine should be – firstly, a modern car, with a modern design and modern technology. Secondly – a car which also shows the heritage.»

        It’s a very difficult balance then?

        «The design of the car is very, very important. Probably 80% of the decision to buy a car is down to the design. So it’s very, very crucial.

        «But after that, there are other points, the positioning of the car, performance, comfort and of course all the economic topics with the profitability.»

        Is there a timeframe to launch the car?

        «We would prefer to be sure than to be quick. But also this is not only about France. France is quite a small market. Of course, I think about Germany, the UK, Japan etc. And this car will go to Goodwood in the UK.

        «I am very interested because I know British people love cars. The design is quite close, it is not an Italian design. It will be very interesting for us to measure the feedback from Goodwood.»

        So you are still deciding on your markets, as well as the technology of the car?

        «No. For me there are some topics that are not to be negotiated, because it is in the DNA. And the DNA of Alpine is not negotiable. The ratio of lightweight vs power is not negotiable, it’s the DNA.»

        Has developing the road car been a challenge?

        «My challenge is the market has not waited for us. All the places are taken by carmakers and so we have to take our place. For that we need to be very strong on our uniqueness. If we copy Lotus, or Porsche, why will we succeed?

        «It’s possible we will succeed because our car will be different. An Alpine has to be different to a Lotus.»

        What can you tell us about the final product?

        «If you see our car, you can see this car will be useable daily. The car will be elegant, with the French idea of elegance. Simple, fluid, and very uncomplicated. It will be special. So we think these topics are not in the market today. So we have our place.

        «There must already be quite a bit of confidence that there is a market for Alpine. What gives you that?

        «I am confident we will be able to find the good solution. But today we have not finished solving the remaining issues. For instance, the profitability hot topic. If the profitability is low it means we are not sure on the long-term future. It is very important for me and for the Renault Group to build something for the long-term.»

        What customers are you aiming for with Alpine?

        «The customers for Alpine cars won’t be the same as for Renault. For instance, even the customer for Renault Sport is probably young, not very rich, and he is buying a car which is useable for all the things he has to do.

        «For Alpine, it’s not that. It is very passionate people, quite rich, probably it’s the third or fourth car for them. It’s a car only for pleasure for the weekend, not to drive a lot, only for pleasure. Is this customer going to go to a Renault dealer to buy an Alpine? I’m not sure, because you want to get a very, very dedicated service.»

        Is this concept close to the final product?

        «We will modify this concept using feedback from today, tomorrow and Goodwood. We will modify, we will look for a good balance. I’m not sure this is for next year – the timing is dependant on our ability to make the right car.»


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          Ya llevan 250.000 vehiculos electricos entre las 2 marcas

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            Hace un tiempo se hablaba del estudio de que los R.S. de Renault se hibridasen. Pues siguen estudiandolo, según una entrevista a Patrice Ratti para autocar

            [i]“I like to (en cuanto a un modelo totalmente electrico). Today the problem of a fully electric sports car is that you need a lot of batteries, but we’re also working on hybrid for sports cars.»

            “Hybridisation could help because of the CO2 [savings]. What’s also great with electric motors is the acceleration. We’re working on it, but we cannot go too expensive with technology.”[/i]


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              Es lo que acabarán haciendo todas las marcas si es que cambian los ciclos de homologación de una vez, como parece que tocará cambiar por algo más real.

              Si no no cumplirán con las emisiones obligadas.

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                La nueva generación del Nissan Juke se fabricará en Reino Unido

                La marca japonesa de automóviles Nissan ha anunciado cinco años después de la invención de su crossover pequeño que fabricará una nueva generación del Nissan Juke en Reino Unido, según ha informado la compañía en un comunicado.

                Asimismo, la firma ha señalado que realizará una inversión de 100 millones de libras esterlinas (136 millones de euros) como respaldo adicional a la calidad de producción de la planta de Sunderland (Reino Unido) y como una declaración de intención de permanecer como líderes del mercado de crossovers.

                El presidente de Nissan en Europa, Paul Willcox, ha afirmado que el diseño «único» del Juke es una de las razones por las que ahora Nissan es «líder indiscutible del sector de los crossover», que ha registrado cinco años consecutivos de crecimiento en Europa.

                Además, según Nissan, la producción de la nueva generación del Juke dará un nuevo impulso a la industria automovilística del Reino Unido.

                Vía : http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/economia/nueva-generacion-del-nissan-juke-fabricara-reino-unido-4477440

                Avatar de ABARTH

                  se sabe algo del Micra?no se han visto espias del modelo?

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                    [quote quote=»ABARTH»]se sabe algo del Micra?no se han visto espias del modelo?[/quote]
                    Lo unico es que se fabricará en Francia, junto con el Clio. Vamos, que van a ser hermanos, lo que no se es si con la plataforma actual, si con una nueva CMF B, o si esta es una evolución de la actual

                    De momento no se han visto espias, asi que no se sabe si está rodando ya o no

                    Avatar de BUser

                      Hablaron de la imagen de aquel concept que era precioso que no recuerdo su nombre. Que compartía rasgos con el Clio.

                      Avatar de carlos021A

                        [quote quote=»paulodelarosa»]Hablaron de la imagen de aquel concept que era precioso que no recuerdo su nombre. Que compartía rasgos con el Clio.[/quote]
                        Nissan Sway

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                          More Thanks

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                            [size size=150]Ha tardado, pero Dacia se automatiza[/size]

                            Dacia se apunta a las cajas de cambio automáticas pero, como todo en esta marca, a su manera. Por supuesto que el nuevo cambio está heredado directamente de Renault, pero, ni será para toda la gama (de momento), ni será un verdadero cambio automático. Se trata de un cambio manual pilotado de cinco velocidades que ya ha empleado la marca francesa en alguno de sus modelos.
                            Este cambio es sencillo y económico, de ahí que haya sido la opción elegida para Dacia. Su funcionamiento es similar a las cajas CMP o ETG de Citroën y Peugeot, es decir, el cambio tiene automatizadas las funciones de engranar y desengranar las velocidades, pero ni es un CVT, ni un convertidor de par, ni una caja de doble embrague. Es un cambio manual pilotado.

                            Y cuenta con dos modos, automático y manual. Poco que decir al respecto, modos D, N y R además de deslizar la palanca a la izquierda para insertar las velocidades de forma secuencial empujando o tirando de la palanca. Dacia presentó la incorporación a su gama de este cambio en el Salón de Frankfurt y estará disponible en España en marzo de 2016 para los Sandero y Logan MCV con el motor de gasolina TCe de 90 CV de potencia.

                            Vía : http://www.motorpasion.com/compactos/dacia-cambio-automatico-easy-r

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                              Renault y Dongfeng podrucirán un electrico en China

                              Será un modelo basado en el Fluence Z.E.. Se venderá a partir de 2017 con una marca local para China

                              Dongfeng and Renault agree to produce electric vehicles in China

                              On the occasion of the visit of ZHU Yangfeng, Chairman of Dongfeng Group, at the Renault R&D center, Dongfeng Renault Automotive Company (DRAC) announces the production of its first electric vehicle in China.

                              As part of the Joint Venture between Dongfeng and Renault, DRAC will produce an electric vehicle that is based on the Fluence Z.E. The electric car will be produced at the Wuhan plant in 2017 and will be commercialized under a local Dongfeng brand for the Chinese market only.

                              The agreement is part of the will of both the Renault Group and the Dongfeng Group to propose mobility solutions for sustainable development. Jacques Daniel, CEO of DRAC, confirmed: [i]‘’This EV agreement illustrates Renault’s engagement as partner of COP 21.’’[/i]

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                                Nissan y Mitsubishi han alcanzado un acuerdo para el desarrollo de la proxima generación de keycar

                                Nissan, Mitsubishi Motors and NMKV reach agreement on planning and development of next-generation minicars

                                Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, and their joint venture NMKV Co., Ltd. today reached an agreement to continue their joint project regarding development of the next generation of current minicar models. The three companies will soon sign a memorandum of understanding.

                                The companies aim to develop more competitive products by optimizing resource allocation and their respective roles and responsibilities. Nissan will be more deeply involved in development operations, such as design development and testing. In addition to its product planning and project development roles, NMKV will strengthen its management capabilities by adding a new department to enhance collaboration with engineering and manufacturing functions. Vehicle production is planned to continue at Mitsubishi’s Mizushima Plant.

                                Nissan and Mitsubishi established NMKV in June 2011 to specialize in planning and development of minicars. Their jointly-developed minicars, the Nissan Dayz and the Mitsubishi eK Wagon, were launched in June 2013, followed by the launch of the Nissan Dayz Roox and the Mitsubishi eK Space in February 2014. By the end of September 2015, total sales of vehicles produced under the joint project reached 500,000 units, a testament to the success of the collaboration. This new agreement takes the partnership to a higher level.

                                In addition, planning and development of a minicar EV is in progress through the collaboration. The announcement of vehicle details and launch timing of the EV and other next-generation minicars will be made at a later time.

                                «Nissan’s deeper involvement in development operations for next generation minicars will enable the easier application of advanced safety and eco-friendly technologies in larger vehicles,» said Hiroto Saikawa, Nissan CCO. «This new opportunity will enable us to deliver even more competitive vehicles to consumers by enhancing our product and lineup, by strengthening our partnership and combining the expertise of both companies.»

                                «For Mitsubishi, minicars are a key segment that accounts for more than half of our total sales in Japan. By combining each other’s strengths through NMKV, we will continue to introduce attractive products to the market. Producing the new models at our Mizushima Plant, after the current model production ends, will help us further accelerate the improvement activities on which the three companies have been working together in the areas of production costs, efficiency and quality, and this will lead us to introduce more competitive products,» said Mitsubishi President and COO Tetsuro Aikawa.

                                NMKV President and CEO Junichi Endo said, «This new agreement shows that our efforts are making steady progress and thus the collaboration will further deepen. We are taking the lead in this project by combining Mitsubishi’s know-how in minicar development and manufacturing with Nissan’s technologies.

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                                  Entrevista de autoevolution a Jean Pascal Jocou, de Renault Sport. Está en inglés

                                  autoevolution: German performance divisions have seen their business booming over the last couple of years and this is why they are in a prolonged expansion process. Is Renault Sport planning something similar?

                                  Jean Pascal Jocou: We have already set ourselves a goal for such an expansion. Last year, we sold 37,000 cars and we want that to increase to 50,000 by the end of 2018. This includes both the RS models and the GT vehicles. [For the sake of comparison, we’ll mention AMG expected its 2014 sales to surpass 45,000 cars, a major leap from the 32,200 units sold back in 2013].

                                  ae: The current Renault Sport line-up includes three layers: the hot RS, the warm GT and visual-only GT Line. Will this structure change?

                                  JPJ: Yes, it will. We will scale everything down to two lines, the RS and a new name for the current GT models.

                                  ae: What about the visually-sporty bits now included in the GT Line? Will these be available through a special parts and accessories catalogue like in the case of the BMW M Performance parts?

                                  JPJ: I cannot discuss that for now.

                                  ae: Let’s go outside Renault’s range. What has been the most recent project of this kind for you?

                                  JPJ: We have worked on the Smart Brabus.

                                  ae: Speaking of which, are you considering doing something for the Twingo?

                                  JPJ: Yes, of course. We will release a hotter Twingo, but it will not be an RS model. Just a sportier version of the car you can buy now.

                                  ae: Since we’re here for a Clio RS event, I want to know if a customer interested in the Clio Trophy RS 220 gearbox software, which brings significantly faster changes, could have a Renault dealer install this on the standard Clio RS 200 EDC.

                                  JPJ: I can tell you the Phase II [the mid-cycle facelift expected for next year] will see the RS 200 using the transmission software from the Trophy RS 220.

                                  ae: Now that Renault is expanding its crossover range, we want to know if you are considering such projects.

                                  JPJ: We are open to everything [an attitude completely different to other performance divisions – for instance, Porsche may build the Cayenne Turbo S, but will never put an RS badge on its SUV]. However, the car has to end up at the right price and there must be a market for it.

                                  ae: Switching to customer racing, we’ll mention the increasing interest for drifting. Most, if not all, performance divisions involved in customer motorsport have included going sideways in their programs. Are you interested in this, at least as far as the RWD R.S. 01 is concerned?

                                  JPJ: No, we only target the performance. Do you know the price of an R.S. 01? [given the $400k/EUR360k pricetag, he smiles] Buying an R.S. 01 to drift? I suppose some funny Japanese can do it, but honestly, it would be a shame [let’s hope Chris Harris doesn’t hear about this].

                                  ae: Braking-based torque vectoring. Independent rear wheel braking with the purpose of more efficient cornering is relatively cheap to implement as a way of boosting performance, since the technology is already on the car. You don’t have this, but is it interesting for you?

                                  JPJ: This is not one of our priorities right now. But with the electronics moving so fast these days, we can integrate such features if the market moves towards it. Still, the customer base for this kind of systems is extremely limited. Also, you can see the Megane RS 275 Trophy-R’s brilliant Nurburgring performance without any electronic assistance.

                                  ae: Megane it is, then, namely the new GT. Nice move introducing rear-wheel steering on the Megane GT at Frankfurt just before Ferrari brought such a system on the F12tdf. Maranello only says they’ve developed the model-based control logic in-house [we expect the rest to come from ZF], but what about you? I know, for instance, that the rear-wheel steering on the Laguna comes from Aisin (the electronic control unit and the electric actuator). What about the new one?

                                  JPJ: The system is developed entirely by Renault.

                                  ae: Any important differences compared to the system on the Laguna?

                                  JPJ: There’s a five-year development difference between the two, so you will feel the difference. The system on the Megane GT will be different to that on the Espace and the Talisman. That’s because the hatch is the only one that uses a Renault Sport software.

                                  ae: Are hybrids or EVs a priority for Renault Sport?

                                  JPJ: We know the ecological pressure is on the rise, especially now with the Volkswagen story, all the manufacturers are looking to cope with the demands coming from the governments and the ecological lobby partners. Someday, it will happen.

                                  Switching over to the R.S. 01, we know the main difference to the GT-R engine is the adoption of a dry-sump lubrication system, but what are the other changes you’ve made?

                                  JPJ: The intake and the exhaust are bespoke and, obviously, so is the ECU.

                                  ae: Let’s say a customer requires a street-legal version of the R.S. 01.

                                  JPJ: It will cost so much to modify the car in order to pass tests such as the one regarding emissions and pedestrian safety, that it would be almost impossible. We actually considered building a street-legal version at a certain point during the development process, but the car would’ve reached a price that would be difficult to justify when comparing the Renault badge to exotic carmakers.

                                  ae: The R.S. 01 is currently limited to its one-make racing series, what are your future plans?

                                  JPJ: Certain FIA regulations, such as the GT2 class, require racecars to be based on production vehicles, which is why we can’t enter such forms of motorsport. But you will see the R.S. 01 entering new forms of racing next year.

                                  Now we have 14 places, if we occupy two more, the grid will be full. All are sold out. But in January, you will see two cars in the 24H Dubai. Step by step, we will increase our presence [we expect the official to refer to more than just the R.S. 01 being downgraded to GT3 specification for the participation in the French Grand Touring racing series.]

                                  ae: Let’s talk Alpine.

                                  JPJ: I can only say you will have important news soon [perhaps Geneva 2016 in March?]

                                  ae: What about the crown jewel, F1? We know you’ve signed a letter of intent to take over the Lotus Formula One team, but conspiracy theories talk about how the booming environmental pressure will determine Renault to direct more of its budget towards this, a move that could affect the funds that go into the F1 program.

                                  JPJ: First of all, I want to explain that all the carmakers, obviously beside VW, bring their vehicles to the emission tests in various countries while being sure the cars are fitting. Sure, they are specially prepared for testing, as far as the current legislation allows, but there is no special software for rigging the tests. Every carmaker knows its car will pollute less during the test, but that’s thanks to measures such as skinnier and more inflated tires. So it’s not the same thing VW has done.

                                  The kind of supposition you mention may apply to Volkswagen. Everybody hopes the financial consequences of Dieselgate will not affect their rallying return, but we can’t know for now.

                                  For the record, Pascal used to serve Renault Sport in connection to rallying activities, so this was an interesting way of ending our conversation. It’s a shame we didn’t have some extra time to discuss what we call Ring Wolves, though.


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                                      La pregunta es, cuántos de ellos siguen andando.

                                      Electrónica, turbo…creo que han creado más de 25 millones de quebraderos de cabeza.

                                      Avatar de A.P.M.

                                        [quote quote=»paulodelarosa»]La pregunta es, cuántos de ellos siguen andando.

                                        Electrónica, turbo…creo que han creado más de 25 millones de quebraderos de cabeza.[/quote]
                                        Ninguno. De hecho, la unidad 25 millones se ha roto llegando a su destino, un vano motor de algun modelo que lo fuese a usar, y eso que no tenia ni gasoil puesto
                                        Por la calle veo decenas de 1.5 dci tirados en la calle con el capó levantado y soltando una humareda tremenda. Será por eso que hay contaminación por Gijón. En Madrid tienen que prohibir la venta de los 1.5 dci y el resto a tirarlos, seguro que la boina desaparece

                                        paulo, menudo mensaje te has marcado.
                                        Que hayan tenido problemas al principio, no quiere decir que en la actualidad los den

                                        Avatar de gusanllum

                                          25 millones de motores desde que abrió la fábrica 😀, no 25 millones de 1.5 dci. He he… todavía.

                                          Avatar de A.P.M.

                                            [quote quote=»gusanllum»]25 millones de motores desde que abrió la fábrica 😀, no 25 millones de 1.5 dci. He he… todavía.[/quote]
                                            Pues no lo lei bien jajaja. Cambio el mensaje
                                            Lei 25 millones y 1.5 dci, y ahi lo puse 😀

                                            A saber entonces cuantos 1.5 dci se llevan vendiendo.

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